The Number 9: Choice of Union Eternally

I finally figured out… WHY we will never … and thankfully so, understand, the intricate play between Masculine and Feminine and Create.Action… it’s a GIFT that keeps #Us breathing. On the 15th of August 2018… a cosmic event took place, that is the Foundation of the New Earth… and what we will come to call…Read more The Number 9: Choice of Union Eternally

Twin Flame & Sole Mates : Activation

I am given the gift to share the “Good News”… I am also given the INNERstanding, that the news isn’t good for ALL… and yet… it is all for GOOD! Twin Flames… is the Union of the Sacred Masculine Power Embracing The Sacred Feminine Gratitude. He is choosing to make HER dreams… his own. He…Read more Twin Flame & Sole Mates : Activation

48th Friday of 2018 and 30th Day of Imagine . Action November!

The Month of Eternal FoCUs… has given us a GIFT! “ACTION it is”! The word ACTION is now Internally & Eternally Activated… which is the greatest sign of Manifest! We’re ready to “see” the results of CHOICES we’ve made. We began this month with Activating “Imagine.Action and Manifest.Action” with “Love & LiGhT” (Remember, Thursday vibration…Read more 48th Friday of 2018 and 30th Day of Imagine . Action November!