48th Friday of 2018 and 30th Day of Imagine . Action November!

The Month of Eternal FoCUs… has given us a GIFT! “ACTION it is”! The word ACTION is now Internally & Eternally Activated… which is the greatest sign of Manifest! We’re ready to “see” the results of CHOICES we’ve made. We began this month with Activating “Imagine.Action and Manifest.Action” with “Love & LiGhT” (Remember, Thursday vibration…Read more 48th Friday of 2018 and 30th Day of Imagine . Action November!

47th Friday, 23rd Day of Imagine Action: Review the View!

…. and it’s a FULL MOON!! Today is the day… the SunLiGhT… fills the Moon… to her fullness… and the StarLiGhT… “Sees” her … Radiate! and the Earth is thrilled to RELEASE and let her LiGhT fill the very roots of the Earth… with Her LiGhT… MoonLiGhT! Presence.Union of Power & Love… the FoCUs… #Moon!…Read more 47th Friday, 23rd Day of Imagine Action: Review the View!

We have stepped into “Action”

… The Manifest… The Seen… The CHANGES… are here… we are all being called to “SEE” it to “BELIEVE”. These are collective MANIFESTS… or the COLLECTIVE thoughts.emotions.actions… so while you will catch yourself… saying… “I Told you So”. The Activation of LiGhT… last week… has brought these MANIFESTS into VIEW! Some… good… some… terrible…. yet……Read more We have stepped into “Action”

November Energy Report: Imagination & Manifestation

CONGRATULATIONS… it is time to RECEIVE the BUMPER LOTTERY of the Thoughts.Emotions.Actions you’ve FOCUSED on since January! It’s the Month of FoCUs… on the SYNCHRONICITY… Imagine.Action… Manifest.Action! This is the month of "Seeing" … the Feminine… and getting to KNOW the Masculine… in a way you've never known before. The Masculine… is shining brighter… in…Read more November Energy Report: Imagination & Manifestation

44th Friday… 2nd November: Let there BE LiGhT!

Today is the turning point… you’ve been waiting for… the Temporary… has done its PART! You are here NOW… LiGhT is your PHYSICAL Destiny… and you’re here NOW… to LIVE your LiGhT LiFe! November is a month of FoCUs… and here’s the GIFT… FoCUs… is being given unto you. The Temporary Emotions… or the Emotions…Read more 44th Friday… 2nd November: Let there BE LiGhT!