The Word for May… Light!

You are meant to BE... exactly who your creator meant for you to be! Power Rebuilding all through April... brought me to one WORD... LiGhT! These are truths you always knew and had a million clues to bring you to... yet... the external world is designed to assist you, the key is to understand, that…Read more The Word for May… Light!

Combine-Action or Combination

Daily writing promptYou’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike? View all responses Miracles are planned by heaven and executed by the Presence. Every journey demands an experience of your thoughts about the journey... so that the journey unfolds. Too much planning for anything is a Memory spoiler. If I were…Read more Combine-Action or Combination

What is the last thing you learned?

Daily writing promptWhat is the last thing you learned?View all responses To trust my intuition! That learning energy sciences and practicing energy through experiences are two very very different things. If you have a knowing... step into the experience... to practice the knowing... and once you have proof... USE it with other thoughts... experiment with…Read more What is the last thing you learned?