How to make a CHOICE and Why your CHOICE is KEY to CHANGE

There are many of you on Earth… feeling LOST in this time of Transit.Action or Transition. The Heaven within you that is NOW on Earth in Action are THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS about Earth Actions… that YOU experience. Heaven: Thoughts & Emotions. Earth: Actions If you hold this as your ASSOCIATION of Heaven On Earth or…Read more How to make a CHOICE and Why your CHOICE is KEY to CHANGE

December Energy: Its T.i.Me to See!

A lot that is happening… are ACTIONS… born of Thoughts.Emotions we’ve COLLECTIVEL expressed! This is not going to be a pretty month… though it is… from the perspective of Love & Gratitude… as… We prepare for 2019 … this month is a REALITY check for ALL of US! We are going to SEE and FEEL…Read more December Energy: Its T.i.Me to See!

December Energy Report: Union of Hearts

What a year of Knew Endings this has been… so many belief's have been challenged and changed, as I look back over the year that comes together in this month, I see a fantastic shift in the masculine and feminine energies, that have now come together and the year of Knew.Endings, in its 12th month…Read more December Energy Report: Union of Hearts