The Resurrect Action of the Sacred Feminine… the FoCUs of LiGhT is on the Human!

Love & Gratitude… Union in Power Faith!

It is TiME to be Honest with your-self!

Today, Gratitude, empties her-self… into the ROOTS, that the ROUTE/Path may be filled with The New Sacred Feminine… the Union of Faith & Gratitude!

Empty yourself… and prepare for the New Moon Love… Presence of Union between your Faith in your Dreams and Gratitude that you DO have a dream!

Too many people, do not have a vision for the Future, because, they are caught up in the WAYS of the Human tradition to HOLD on… to the passed and become of it… that which the ancestors have dreamed.

We are asking you to FoCUs on that which YOU feel … as a SIGN of your own TRANSITION to VISIONARIES of the Future. Be it known unto you, that you have the GIFT of Creation with the Sacred Feminine… The Twin Flame of Faith & Gratitude… Faith will GIVE unto the PLANET, that which Gratitude “Sees” of the Future. There is a need to COME-UNION with your Dreams and even though… they may seem IMPOSSIBLE to your HUMAN heart and mind.. Remember, Have Faith in your Dreams and Someday.

There is going to be a lot happening in the Physical world, that will break down the old patterns and the new will emerge… the Sacred Masculine… Love.Power is now in ACTION and ACTION is all about LiGhT… filling the spaces so you can “See”, that which your THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS have created within the Sacred Feminine… and ALL may RECEIVE… that which they’ve dreamed of.

Remember, Heaven, is Thoughts & Emotions and Earth represents Heaven’s Thoughts and Heaven’s Emotion in ACTION! Try, this season to “FoCUs” on Actions… and “see” the impact of each action on the collective. Let it be known unto you, that over the year, that’s been, the impact of and the expansion of the Human “Thoughts and Emotions” are being guided to reach their HUMAN POTENTIAL. For too long, the Sacred Feminine, has allowed her-SELF to “Buried”, with the Divine Purpose, to give, the Masculine… the Opportunity to CREATE using FAITH in DREAMS! It is however, also true, that this POWER has been MANIPULATED by Humans… to SUBJUGATE or SUBORDINATE the true power of the FEMININE… the SACRED FEMININE… The Devil is hidden in the LIVED… For they who came before you and knew the Power of the Sacred Feminine and her Potential, have used HER, to advocate and propagate… the DOMINION OF MAN… or as the INTERPRETATION /Interpret.Action has been handed down over generations/Generate.Action. Let it also be KNOWN unto you, before you USE this THOUGHT as a WEAPON instead of a TOOL, that the SACRED FEMININE… allowed this to happen… because… She knows her INTERNAL and ETERNAL potential… and SHE knows the EXTERNAL is TEMPORARY and so, she knows INTIMATELY that her CHOICE to ALLOW was in alignment with HER free will to “see”, the extent to which the EXTERNAL can go to. However, she HOLDS the KEY to CREATION.

Man may have slowly, over Generations/Generate.Action, TAUGHT differently, to be able to ESTABLISH the MASCULINE presence as the ETERNAL… CHOICE.

Gratitude… raised… has CHOSEN again… and this time… She has chosen to FoCUs her EXTERNAL Gratitude and Power… The FoCUs now shifts to HUMAN’s and their Emotions about LIFE… and that isn’t the work of the Masculine… it is the work of the Sacred Feminine!

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