read that again:

I am therefore you are


I am there fore you are

I have always been a person of reading between words, this way I meet a new perspective of the word and the world, then is aligned to my own new perspective. June is the 6th month of the year, the feast of the sacred and immaculate heart. 6 in the knewmerolgy is also the number of Gratitude and has always held a special place in my energy. Gratitude is my go-to to get through.

So, when I closed my eyes, this time… I not only heard “I am therefore you are” I also saw the words written as “I am there fore you are”. I stayed with the words and the visual and began to feel a sense of REST. There was internal silence and a sense of deep reverence from within me.

I understood this as the Presence of the Creator, my Eternal Father and yours, the reason why EARTH why HEART and why we are all here… to be “The Why” … the creator takes over from the created. A sense of, alignment or in-lighten-meant or possibly, the soul connection with the earth and the heart… I cannot put my “feelings” in words… but I am hoping that your own guardian angels will know and let you know what exactly, that feeling is, by extending an experience to you or possibly you have had a similar experience and you feel connected to the same “sense”… I just heard, “This is the 8th sense, which will now be known as the TRINITY OCTAVE in “The NOW” future.

Two things are happening simultaneously, the Masculine is impact within the Feminine energy and Feminine impact on the Masculine. Whether you are MALE or FEMALE or identify as “anything”, you are in the process or the destination of “The Now” …. the completion of 6 months of “The Sound of Now”, the external (Masculine) is impacted by the internal (Feminine) and the internal (Feminine) is impacted by the external (Masculine), no matter which you identify with or as, you are on a journey and the destination is “the NOW”.

The more I meditate with “I am there-fore you are”, helps me remain in “the.NOW” “You Are” “now.WHY” and “Yes You” with the energetic understanding, that wherEver it is we are, “I am there.Fore (be-fore) YOU ARE! And it takes me back to my favourite Psalm since 1999 “Psalm 91

The Masculine YOU is giving the Feminine YOU a sense of External and the Feminine YOU is giving the Masculine YOU a sense of Internal and the Eternal YOU is using every experience you’ve ever had to HEAL you and whilst healing you, healing “All that is YOU” on Earth, with Earth and within Earth.

and as I close this POST… two things feel “aligned” as we received together: 8th sense TRINITY OCTAVE and the I am there fore “YOU ARE.

June is “the Now” and July is the month of “NOW-Here or No-Where or KNOW-Where is Now-Here”

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